
A t function is located in the client/services/intl/context.ts context object as a property.


Eats the IntlRaw type and provides you with the Intl type:

const Root = () => (
  <InitIntl intl={raw}>
    {(intl) => (
      <IntlProvider value={intl}>
        <App />


A component that uses the t function internally. Has three props:

type Props = {
  t: string, // the translation key
  values: { [key: string]: string }, // placeholder values
  html: boolean, // optional flag that allows adding inner HTML

Note that the html prop also wraps the translation in an extra <span>.


Every translation key must be wrapped in the global __ function:

const keys = {
  key1: __("value1"),
  key2: __("value2"),

<Text t={__("key")} />

This allows easy collecting and optimization, as well as static analysis of the translation keys.